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Naming Conventions While Programming.

1. All files names which will be represeted to site visitors should be in lower case

2. All other file names should follow - {first_character_capital} of each word in name. for example if file name is shoppingcart.php then it should be ShoppingCart.php

3. All local variable names should follow
a) {first_character_capital} of each word in name. for example if variable name is firstname then it should be FirstName
b) should have following prefixes
i - integer
b - boolean
s - string
c - character
f - float
d - date
obj - class object
iArr - integer array
bArr - boolean array
sArr - string array
cArr - character array
fArr - float array
dArr - date array
objArr - class object array

c) name should be meaningfull. like id should be Id, login id should be LoginId, loop counter should be Counter or ProdCounter

4. All function parameters and any public variable names should follow
a) {first_character_capital} of each word in name. for example if variable name is firstname then it should be FirstName
b) name should be meaningfull. like id should be Id, login id should be LoginId, loop counter should be Counter or ProductCounter

5. All function names should follow
a) first character of first word should be small. for example if function name is get_quantity then it should be getQuantity or get_email_id should be getEmailId

6. All variables should be declared before use

7. All variables should be destroyed immediately after its FINAL use

********* code formatting *******

8. For each function there should be comments above it which explains use of function, user of parameters and return type.

* use of function
* @variable name - data type - use of variable - default value in case of optional - allowed values in case of fixed value options
* return - data type - explaination

for example

* validates passed user name and password and returns true or false
* @UserName - string - user name
* @Password - string - password
* return boolean - true / false

function validatePassword(UserName, Password)

second example

* constructor of class
* @CategoryId - int - category id to filter products - default 0
* @FetchAll - boolean - if true then fetches all records from database - false - true/false

function Products(CategoryId = 0, FetchAll = false)

9. For each variable there should be comment for use of variable

for example

var $iCounter; // counter of products loop

10. Each inner block should be started with a tab
for example

Outer block
Inner block 1 statement 1
Inner block 1 statement 1
Inner block 1 statement 1
Inner block 2 statement 1
Inner block 2 statement 2
Inner block 1 statement 1
Inner block 3 statement 1
Inner block 4 statement 1

11. block bracket should start be on separate line
for example

block start
block statement 1
block statement 2
block statement 3

12. there should be space after and before any operator = > < ; + - * /


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