Solution to get Detailed information about facebook user.
1) First you need to log in to the Facebook Developer application:
Go to the Facebook Developer AppAfter following the link,
click “Allow” to let the Developer application access your profile.
2) Begin setting up a new application.
Go to the Developer application and click “Set Up New Application”.
Give your application a name, check to accept the Terms of Service,
then click Submit.
You’ll see some basic information about your application, including:
but for that you will need PHP client library
you can download “PHP client library” after clicking the above link.
for detail information see get started
* Your API key: this key identifies your application to Facebook.
You pass it with all your API calls.
* Your application secret:
Facebook uses this key to authenticate the requests you make.
As you can tell by its name,
you should never share this key with anyone.
require_once ‘facebook.php’;
$appapikey = ‘Your API Key’;
$appsecret = ‘Your API Secrete Key’;
$facebook = new Facebook($appapikey, $appsecret);
$user_id = $facebook->require_login();
//to get detailed information about facebook user,you can use,
if you would like to get user’s name and city,
then you should write
foreach($userdetails as $k){
$user_name= $k['name'];
$City= $k['hometown_location']['city'];
echo $user_name;
save this code in index.php and test that,what you get.
Manoj Ninave
1) First you need to log in to the Facebook Developer application:
Go to the Facebook Developer AppAfter following the link,
click “Allow” to let the Developer application access your profile.
2) Begin setting up a new application.
Go to the Developer application and click “Set Up New Application”.
Give your application a name, check to accept the Terms of Service,
then click Submit.
You’ll see some basic information about your application, including:
but for that you will need PHP client library
you can download “PHP client library” after clicking the above link.
for detail information see get started
* Your API key: this key identifies your application to Facebook.
You pass it with all your API calls.
* Your application secret:
Facebook uses this key to authenticate the requests you make.
As you can tell by its name,
you should never share this key with anyone.
require_once ‘facebook.php’;
$appapikey = ‘Your API Key’;
$appsecret = ‘Your API Secrete Key’;
$facebook = new Facebook($appapikey, $appsecret);
$user_id = $facebook->require_login();
//to get detailed information about facebook user,you can use,
if you would like to get user’s name and city,
then you should write
foreach($userdetails as $k){
$user_name= $k['name'];
$City= $k['hometown_location']['city'];
echo $user_name;
save this code in index.php and test that,what you get.
Manoj Ninave
nice, its work, we don't need user to be an active application user :)
Nice to hear.. Thanks