here code is to import images into magento databse without using any core files. this is for product's images. you can modify it for gallery images also. here all the images took from media/import and copied to that perticular directory. you can find here,how images created there directory structure. if images name is example.gif,then will create directory structure like e/x/example.gif. that is means this images will copy to media/catalog/product/e/x/example.gif and the value /e/x/example.gif will insert into table can see this image at fronend to that perticular product.Actaully i did script to imaport product with catagory,attribute,images,description.... etc it is nothing but a cron job.i took only import images part from my script. $LargeProductImageURL=$LargeImageURL!=""?basename($allData[$key]->LargeImageURL):""; $first_2_letter = substr("$LargeProductImageURL", 0,2); $first_letter = substr("$first_2_l...
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