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Showing posts from 2010

PHP Birthday

This information took from PHP was released by Rasmus Lerdorf on June 8, 1995. His original usenet post is still available online if you want to examine a computing artefact from the dawn of the web. Many of us owe our careers to the language, so here’s a brief history of PHP… PHP originally stood for “Personal Home Page” and Rasmus started the project in 1994. PHP was written in C and was intended to replace several Perl scripts he was using on his homepage. Few people will be ancient enough to remember CGI programming in Perl, but it wasn’t much fun. You could not embed code within HTML and development was slow and clunky. Rasmus added his own Form Interpreter and other C libraries including database connectivity engines. PHP 2.0 was born on this day 15 years ago. PHP had a modest following until the launch of version 3.0 in June 1998. The parser was completely re-written by Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski; they also changed the name to the recursive “PH...

Import Customers by csv file in Magento

Import Customers by csv file in Magento here i developed script to import customers in magento by csv file. csv file have following columns ########customerid (unique key) accesskey (customer type) emailaddress password firstname lastname companyname billingaddress1 city state postalcode country phonenumber faxnumber ########### here i didn't use any magento's core file. code is given below,i hope it will help you :) set_time_limit(36000); error_reporting(0); /** * @Use Script to import customer's data in Magento Database * @createDate Mar 2010 * @author Manoj Ninave ( **/ define("DB_HOST","localhost",TRUE); // database server name define("DB_USER","root",TRUE); // database user define("DB_PASS","",TRUE); // database user's password define("DB_NAME","dbname",TRUE); // database name require_once('db.class.php'); if( !isset($db_obj) ) {...

Import images into Magento database without using Magento core files.

here code is to import images into magento databse without using any core files. this is for product's images. you can modify it for gallery images also. here all the images took from media/import and copied to that perticular directory. you can find here,how images created there directory structure. if images name is example.gif,then will create directory structure like e/x/example.gif. that is means this images will copy to media/catalog/product/e/x/example.gif and the value /e/x/example.gif will insert into table can see this image at fronend to that perticular product.Actaully i did script to imaport product with catagory,attribute,images,description.... etc it is nothing but a cron job.i took only import images part from my script. $LargeProductImageURL=$LargeImageURL!=""?basename($allData[$key]->LargeImageURL):""; $first_2_letter = substr("$LargeProductImageURL", 0,2); $first_letter = substr("$first_2_l...


If God answer your Prayer, He is increasing Your Faith, If He Delay He is Increasing Your Patience, and If He Doesn’t Answer It means something is better for you. Believe In God. Always…….

How to get detail information about facebook user

Solution to get Detailed information about facebook user. 1) First you need to log in to the Facebook Developer application: Go to the Facebook Developer AppAfter following the link, click “Allow” to let the Developer application access your profile. 2) Begin setting up a new application. Go to the Developer application and click “Set Up New Application”. Give your application a name, check to accept the Terms of Service, then click Submit. You’ll see some basic information about your application, including: but for that you will need PHP client library you can download “PHP client library” after clicking the above link. for detail information see get started * Your API key: this key identifies your application to Facebook. You pass it with all your API calls. * Your application secret: Facebook uses this key to authenticate the requests you make. As you can tell by its name, you should never share this key with anyone. code: require_once ‘facebook.php’; $appapikey = ‘Your API Key’; $a...

Loading web pages problem in Firefox and Crome browser?

I faced problem to load some web page in Firefox and Crome browser so i passed some code in .htaccess files. code is given as follow: php_value output_handler ob_gzhandler simply copy and paste it to .htaccess file. Also see that following lines are passed are not: php_flag allow_call_time_pass_reference on php_flag magic_quotes_runtime off php_flag register_globals off php_flag magic_quotes_gpc On php_flag register_argc_argv on php_value register_long_arrays on php_value display_errors on php_value allow_url_include on to compress your files for faster loading “php_value output_handler ob_gzhandler” is very useful. Regard Manoj Ninave

Magento Tables required to Import Products.

Data inserted in following tables while importing products. 1)adminnotification_inbox 2)catalogindex_eav 3)catalogindex_price 4)cataloginventory_stock_item 5)cataloginventory_stock_status 6)catalogsearch_fulltext 7)catalog_category_product 8)catalog_category_product_index 9)catalog_product_enabled_index 10)catalog_product_entity 11)catalog_product_entity_datetime 12)catalog_product_entity_decimal 13)catalog_product_entity_int 14)catalog_product_entity_media_gallery 15)catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value 16)catalog_product_entity_text 17)catalog_product_entity_varchar 18)catalog_product_link 19)catalog_product_link_attribute_int 20)catalog_product_website 21)core_url_rewrite Regard Manoj Ninave

Naming Conventions While Programming.

1. All files names which will be represeted to site visitors should be in lower case 2. All other file names should follow - {first_character_capital} of each word in name. for example if file name is shoppingcart.php then it should be ShoppingCart.php 3. All local variable names should follow a) {first_character_capital} of each word in name. for example if variable name is firstname then it should be FirstName b) should have following prefixes i - integer b - boolean s - string c - character f - float d - date obj - class object iArr - integer array bArr - boolean array sArr - string array cArr - character array fArr - float array dArr - date array objArr - class object array c) name should be meaningfull. like id should be Id, login id should be LoginId, loop counter should be Counter or ProdCounter 4. All function parameters and any public variable names should follow a) {first_character_capital} of each word in name. for example if variable name is ...

How to Unzip/Extract zip file into one directory.

ini_set(’memory_limit’,'800M’); set_time_limit(36000); /** * @Module to Extract folder in one directory * @package general * @Author: Mr. Manoj M.Ninave **/ //create media/import directory in root dir $dir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].”/media/import”; $filename = $dir.”/”;//destination $zip_file = “”;//source $contents = file_get_contents($zip_file); //echo $contents; $handle = fopen($filename, “w+”); fwrite($handle,$contents); fclose($handle); $zip = zip_open($filename); if ($zip) { while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) { $zipEntry = zip_entry_name($zip_entry); $zipEntryFile = substr($zipEntry,strrpos($zipEntry,”/”)+1); $dirFile = $zipEntryFile;//unzipped directory $dirPath = $dir.”/”.$dirFile; $fp = fopen($dirPath, “w+”); if (!$fp) continue; if(zip_entry_open($zip,$zip_entry, “r”)) { $buf = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)); fwrite($fp,$buf); zip_entry_close($zip_entry); fclose($...